
Fraser Doherty, Jam-making genius makes millions from his grandmother recipe


Let no one in this world make you feel inferior, make you have hate your ideas. If our backgrounds, traditions and educational levels were to influence our futures, no one would ever believe the story of our filthy rich millionaires. Most of them have faced difficulties on their way to the top, to major success. It’s just from a mere grandma recipe that now Fraser Doherty is one of the richest young entrepreneurs alive. He is now swimming in hefty huge bucks, something he had never imagined. Many people get mesmerized by this young man story, he was too young to succeed but he did so, he never chased success. He only did what was required and success chased him at a full swing in all directions. No pain, no gain better, leave it or love it.

Fraser started being business minded from the time he was fourteen years old.  He self confessed that he was a big fan of jam since his early age and he did lots of projects trying to make money. He didn’t know that one day his ideas would blossom to a huge commercial success. Luckily, his grandmother taught him how to make jam which he started selling to the neighbors’. He loved doing the job that no sooner than later, he was producing a thousand jars of jam from his dad and mums kitchen per week. His entrepreneurial journey was so successful from the early stages that he was awarded the Enterprising Young Brit award aged fifteen. He had quite a good home advantage since they appreciated and bought a lot of stuffs from him. He didn’t stay in a bigger city nor was a small one, Edinburg was his home. The people from this city gave him a greater support. This place was also strategic to his business since it wasn’t too big to make his life hard nor was it too small to lack an efficient support network and it was just; the right place.

He first started by selling his jam from door to door. He was quite experienced in it due to the selling experience he had before. He was initially a sales boy in his home city and he had tried selling bacon for two years. Despite his young age, Fraser was bright. He noticed that there was a decline in jam market so he siege the advantage and invented his products. His products later attracted interests from farmers and supermarkets. The hardest challenge he faced was trying to find way of producing jam without using sugar which he later managed. It took him four months to make a hundred percent fruit jam.

One of main aims was to create a healthy sugar free jam. He noted that more than two third of the population of his country was having overweight issues so he came up with something that would suit them. Fraser Doherty is now a big deal, from winning awards to making money from being a role model to a college student and more.

With hard work, imagination and motivation, anyone can achieve what Fraser has achieved. He started from but now he is headed to the sky….he can’t even see down!


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